5 Things Nobody Tells You....About Procrastination
1. Before you can stop procrastinating, it's important to recognize some facts
** If you continue as you are now, you may never get the results you want.
** Procrastination is a recipe for a life of frustration and disappointment.
** When you fail to achieve goals, your self-esteem and confidence suffers.
** When you miss deadlines, you have to deal with the stress of the consequences.
2. Recognize some important facts about the process of changing your behaviour
** Even slow progress in the right direction is positive progress towards your goal.
** It's OK to make mistakes; you can learn from them and learn to limit them.
** Failure and setbacks make you stronger as long as you overcome them.
** Changing unproductive habits is the most positive thing you can do for yourself.
3. Change Is Difficult
It's easy to become discouraged when you don't see results immediately or suffer setbacks. Remember that your active desire to change is a significant sign of progress in itself. All the steps you take after that will bring you closer to your ultimate goal. It may take time but if you already have the desire to change, you should also have the belief that you can and will do it.
4. Boost Your Self-Esteem
A simple trick used in meditation involves recalling a time when you felt what you want to experience now. If your confidence is lacking, think of a time when you were filled with positivity and self-belief. It could be the day you got your first car or received a great school/work report. Whatever your personal memory is, hold onto that feeling whenever you need to boost your self-esteem.